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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Roses are red, Violets are blue, What does Literature mean to you?

According to Wikipedia, Literature means "acquaintance with letters" coming from the Latin meaning letter. It can also be the art of written works. Literature, in its widest sense, embraces all compositions in writing or prints which preserve the results of observation, thought, or fancy aside from its acquaintance with letters or books. I guess, all these are just the definition of literature in a narrow sense, so let’s define literature in an atypical way.

Literature is an opening of get way from reality. Our imagination is unbound to rediscover a story that outshines the reality we live. Literature is based not just on truth, but on the inventiveness and imagination of its creator. Introducing an individual to good literary works, is like endowing him with the best of learning options and letting him grow as a person.

Literature serves as a massive source of information. Stories of pioneering discoveries and inferences can be gained knowledge through research works by famous inventors and literary works by gifter creators. Current developments are documented for the next generation. Examples of past literary creations which have been remarkably beneficial are ancient scriptures involving stories of human. Therefore, literature has constantly functioned as a dependable supply of information worldwide.

So what now? Can Literature help me become a well-renowned Engr. Clarissa A. Gomez in the near future? With all the accounts written above, I heartily think so. Literature is indeed vital not just in ECE but in the whole Engineering field. Literature, of course, imparts a framework to our research. It tells us what other scholars or scientists have written or invented about the Electronics and Communications Engineering sphere. By using the information as reference, it can help engineers face problems in the corporate setting. We, as future engineers can also use this well researched and established information like major books, journals, and classical works in innovating new methods and development in our domain add it up with imaginative value which every turn of a page taught us. Basically, how can we be trained without the presence of books which encompass the fundamental information we ought to know. Honestly the road to become the well-renowned Engr. Clarissa A. Gomez is really tough, Sometimes I want to throw in the towel because it’s undoubtedly arduous but thanks to the motivational books of Og Mandino and Dale Carnegie, they help me propel my wings to surge higher and let me realize that my target is within my reach. These books offer motivation for more reading and inspiration to pursue goals because someone like them undergo the same things.

This think outside box image is the representation I associate with Literature. By means of the products of literature, we are acquired to read about a life experience through someone else’s standpoint. We can grasp a new point of view when we watch a film or read a book or an article about other culture, tradition and life conditions. Furthermore, we get to walk in the shoes of a character in a distinctive and interesting way.
A good piece of literature can aid us to think outside the box, have compassion with people who have lived through things we have not lived through and educate us about things we’d never come across on our own. Literature also tolerates us to create a world based on what we want and teach us to discover brand new things on our own. The best pieces of literature are so well-created that they allow us, the reader, test concepts through a fantastic world. Literature introduces us to new worlds of experience. Moreover, we may even progress through our literary journey with books. Like what was shared in a journal, “Literature is a conversation across the ages about our experience and our nature, a conversation in which, while there isn’t unanimity, there is a surprising breadth of agreement. Literature amounts, in these matters, to the accumulated wisdom of the race, the sum of our reflections on our own existence.” (http://www.city-journal.org/)
Literature imparts wisdom to those who search for it, bestows experience to those who recognize it, and delight to those who adore it. Literature is like a picture that is worth a thousand words. We should be greatful indded, that God gave this to us..a blessing which allow how to see, feel, hear, taste and sense that happiness is no mystery and everyhting in this world is fearfully and wonderfully made by Him!!
picture taken from http://images.google.com.ph/imgres?imgurl=http://www.deviantart.com/download/97839192/Think_Outside_the_Box_by_PSRADICH.jpg&imgrefurl=http://psradich.deviantart.com/art/Think-Outside-the-Box-97839192&usg=__c7UmvKIeyklJFy08lztCGO63_No=&h=1050&w=1680&sz=391&hl=tl&start=12&um=1&tbnid=7nbLKOefWu6ZLM:&tbnh=94&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dthink%2Boutside%2Bthe%2Bbox%26hl%3Dtl%26rlz%3D1T4RNTN_enPH345PH345%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1
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On the Side of Me

I am fascinated in watching movies especially the Korean movies, horror, historical and the action ones. On the other hand, I am more interested in reading books, because it lets me direct my own movie scenarios. I like to read a lot of books, like the books of James Patterson, Nick Joaquin, Nicholas Sparks, Og Mandino A.C Fabian and a lot more. I am also engrossed in watching Detective Conan episodes and other sleuthing TV shows or movies. Sports is one of my favorite hobbies, that’s why I develop into being a sport enthusiast. I truly like all kinds of sports, name it and I’ll play it. Humility aside, I’m good in playing badminton, and a little bit of volleyball and table tennis. I also play the guitar and flute. I like to eat lots of fruits -plus exercise equals a healthy body!

If I have one year left, I’ll spend it with my family and friends. I’ll treat my mom and dad together with my grandparents . I’ll bring them in the beautiful spots here in the Phil. and around the world. I also want to experience bungee jumping together with Dominic Sainz. I will also not forget to help my favorite charities. I’ll eat and eat a lot of cheese cake and sea foods. I also put in my list that I’ll visit Korea to have a date with my Favorite Korean actors in Jeju Island. Furthermore, I also want to build a church to continue my mission even if I depart this life and I also want to give my best contribution in my craft that I can pass on to the next generation. Here's the poem I made in unfolding the real me. Hope you'll like it!

Like an oasis in the desert,

I'm inimitable

and definitely not just a million dollars worth.

I desire to be the water to the thirst,

wash away despair and fill up light

to the ones left behind.